Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mobile Home Remodel

Before Pictures

In the beginning

Here we are, one short week from closing on our new cottage. Well, it's not a cottage yet, but that is my goal, to turn a 1973 mobile home into a quaint, comfortable, homey cottage. We found the place just last week, put a deposit down and got accepted as residents in the adult community that will be our new home soon. Being in Florida is good, but when we have a home of our own, it will be even better.
For a little over 2 months now, we have been staying with my parents, having sold our business in Kansas, and moving down here with a promise of help getting re-established in a new home. All those plans have gone by the wayside, and now it's time to get busy with the rest of our life.
I can't wait to get going, but there is a lot of work to do in the meantime. After we close, there is moving, then cleaning up the place, there is a lot of updating, as you can imagine in a mobile home that is one year short of 40 years old. But, I feel up to the challenge!